"Take two!Loads of things happened in between - not just running related.
Dear Stefan Christoph,
After getting an unlucky draw during the first round, we are delighted to inform you that you are one of the fortunate "second chance" winners among the 73,707 applicants and thus now have the opportunity to participate in the 41st BMW BERLIN MARATHON 2014 ? Congratulations! "
On the running side of things, Strava reports 2302 km in 159 runs. Time elapsed for this is 208h and 5 minutes. This are almost 9 entire days - spent running.
I finished a number of races during this time - including the Düsseldorf Marathon earlier this year. I could have used a boat for this. It was wet - really wet. Luckily I forgot the blisters - many, big and at nasty locations - which I took away from it - Did I forget?
And now? Feeling tired from an intense working week, Deutsche Bahn expanding my daily commute times beyond anything acceptable. Back home family is coughing, noses are dripping. I have a little scratchy throat, tired legs and some little pain here and there. Not feeling well. Will I be fit on Sunday? Will it work? Can I reach the target time I set myself? All this questions are circulating in my head ...
Luckily I did not forget that this is the pre race blues. I had this before every - OK just 3 by now and hence not statistically relevant - marathon I run. So I do know I will be good :D
So off we go and sneak in a lunch break run - #160. Hopefully with one of my buddies, who provide such a great deal of motivation. Everything will be fine ...